Hedrick Public Library Bylaws

Policies I, II, & III

Library Board, Officers, and Board Meetings

Revised January 2021


I. Library Board


   A. According to the requirements of Chapter 2.36 of the Code for the City of Hedrick, they Board of Trustees shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor, by and with the approval of the City Council. In case of a vacancy, the same procedure applies.


   B. The general powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are outlined in Chapter 2.36.050 of the Code of Hedrick.


   C. The Board of Trustees shall exercise its powers and duties by:


      1. Employing a competent and qualified librarian.


      2. Cooperating with the librarian in determining and adapting written policies to govern the operation and programming of the library materials, supplies, and equipment.


      3. Reporting to and cooperating with other public officials, boards, and the community as. Whole, to support a public relations program for the library.


      4. Assisting in the preparation of and seeking adequate support for the annual budget.


      5. Developing long-range goals for the lira and working at the achievement of those goals.



II. Officers



   A. The Officers of the Board shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


   B. Terms shall be as follows: Trustees shall hold the office for six years, from the first day of July following the appointment. Officers my succeed themselves in office. Term limits shall be kept on record by the Secretary.


   C. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:


          President: Presides over all meetings and calls special meetings


          Vice President: Presides over all meetings in the absence of the President and manages all publicity for the library.


          Secretary: Keeps minutes of all meetings and provides a copy of all the meetings to be kept in a file for the public in the library. The

                                 Secretary manages all correspondance.


          Treasurer: Keeps financial records and works with the City Clerk to pay all bills and budget matters.





III. Board Meetings


   A. Monthly meetings will be held on Wednesday at the library, at 5:30 pm., or at the Board’s discretion. Notice of the next meeting is to be given at this time. Notice of the meeting shall be posted in a prominent location in the library at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


   B. Minutes of the meetings will be kept, showing the date, time, place, members present, and action taken. The minutes shall show the results of each vote taken, and the vote of each member present. The minutes are public records and should be kept in a file at the library and made available for public inspection upon request.


   C. Close sessions may be conducted if there is a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board, of if there is a unanimous vote of the Trustees present and the reason for closing the meeting falls under the law Chapter 28 A, (a to j). In addition to detailed minutes, a closed session must be tape recorded. The minutes and tape are then sealed, and not available to the public. No final action may be taken in a closed session. All votes must be taken during an open meeting.


   D. The Annual Meeting to elect officers will be held in January.


   E. Special meetings may be held any time at the call of the President, or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided the notice thereof be given to all Trustees at least 24 hours in advance of the special meeting.


   F. A quorum at any meeting consists of five or more members.


   G. Order of Business Meetings


      1. Call meeting to order


      2. Roll Call


      3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting


      4. Financial report and approval of expenditures


      5. Librarian’s report


      6. Correspondence and communications


      7. Old business and committee reports


      8. New business


      9. Adjournment


   H. An agenda for Board meetings shall be prepared by the President and the librarian.


   I. All meetings shall be open to the public except for those sessions which may be closed under the provisions of Chapter 28 A, Code of Iowa “Official Meetings Open to Public.” Citizens who want to address the Board should request a place on the agenda no later than 24 hours before the time established for the meeting, the request may be directed to the President or the librarian.


   J. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in the parliamentary procedure of the Board meetings.


   K. Amendments to the Bylaws

            1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, if notice of proposed amendments be given to all board members in advance of the meeting. 

     2.The right of the Board to repeal or amend the Bylaws is by a two-thirds vote.